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Birthday and anniversary parties in Glasgow

Looking to celebrate with a birthday party or anniversary party in Glasgow? Enjoy a ‘cocktail of celebration’ at Glasgow Pond Hotel, in the heart of Glasgow’s fashionable west end. Your guests will love our central, easily accessible location with plenty of free car parking, especially if they are travelling a distance to your event

We have a superb reputation for memorable celebrations and special occasions


Anniversaries are treasured moments when love and commitment are re-pledged openly with loved family members and close dear friends. It is a time of remembrances, tenderness and wishful thinking. In short: a time to celebrate

Anniversary, second honeymoon or a betrothal ceremony, the Glasgow Pond Hotel always has a solution and where better to be on the day than at The Pond and in its delightful Brasserie, or one of its private dining rooms


‘You're not getting older, you're getting better’

Think of ‘Birthday Parties’ and we bet you immediately think of kid’s parties with jelly and ice cream. Well, that’s part of it but by no means the full story. Anyone can and should have a birthday party

We think birthdays should be fun and laughter filled. We want your party to create family memories, and be your most important day of the year. To that end, we’ll use our imagination, and help you use yours, to create a party that is as much a gift as any present you or a loved one might receive. Birthday parties at Glasgow Pond Hotel will live long in the memory, until the next one!

Make a birthday or anniversary party enquiry


Hotel features at a glance

Popular Glasgow party venue

Graduation balls and proms

Superbly central location

Friendly and welcoming

Stylish event rooms  

Value for money

Civil ceremony licence

FREE guest car parking

Discounted guest room rates